Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 5, 6 January 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Oener»l Advertiseraeiits A T4*T MITUt LIHE 8F SCSflfllHBS—ilHe Owing to oar constantly increasing hasine gre»t dbmand of an appreciating community, we clnded to otfer an opportunity to ali parties havii Our LINE of SCHOONERS may be seen glidin| BAR !iiled to their utmost carr> ing capacity \ eool and invigorating r “S» rt b “’! LASER E At the “Anehop Salooi • To accommodate our Va«t Fleet of Sohoonen boilt a hne large Refrigerator regardless of ooet. |B Tiie “-A-rxcli.ox," la the only plnee where a Oool Glaas of Frede Beer on draught eau be had in Honoluiu Ste gentlemen. NOW'S the Time. oel NOTICE. Tbe underaigned has received from the Easteru The Largest Single 0 of Billiard Materia ever imported to the Ialands. Itooucludea as fol . Cloth, 3 grades; Cues, asssorted; Cushions, [by Block, patent]. Billiard Balls, Compoaition and lvoiy; Pool, Tips. Chalk; Pocket C;istings with leathera, und fringe ooraplete; Pocket nettings, fringe aml leathers, Rubber covers; Court Plaster. green and biack; New style ehalk holdera; Triangles: Hhake balls and lo«ther bottles; Pool pins; Markera, etc., etc. The abore goods have been purchase«l at redn« and the nndersigned is now prepaml to do an kinds of .. BILLIARD TABLE WORK at reasonable rates with dispatch. Also new ai hand Biliiard aod Pool Tables for Sale. Flease apply to J. P. BO\A Peny Hloi'k, Holel St. H E. E IMPORTERS AND DEALERS 1-M Qroceries, Provisions &