Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 5, 6 January 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
H. MAY. & Co., Tea Dealers, Coffee Roasters AND Provision Merchants 98 FortStTwt. - Honololo Families. Plaut«tions and Shipe supplietl with choice»t Enropean t<* .-I meiiean <7rrvrn>,« I Cali(ornia Produee bv Ever> Steamer. I l — NJ\|t VU-0[lū^llA JUST RKCElVEl>fn.m JAPAM Several Kind of Cotton Crape t Lat«st Styic of Shlrts iu iliHenml qualities. (■}peat of powelaio Tea Sets a Speeialtv Japaueae Laulema aud mao> Curio« suitable for Christraas tto<xls. 411 KISt; STREErr. Ho«*olulu. Telephones, Hell 474. F.O. Boi 5*». Mniual 544. nol.1 In JUST ARRIVED, 3 3 3 Baby Caniages i OF ALL STYLES, F^ilqs. RJS| (S THE LAT» sr PATTEKSS. “HOU8EHOLO” Sewin<{ Machines O Ham» Sewisg MaCHLSK8. I y .\ll W«h Ioiprw*MiMStt'SCl PAKLOK >|Organs f Quitars* Aml (Hbrt Uisini l*4n \Vines, liqu(>is. Beer ALWAIH OS MANl». *XD VOK 8ALE BV ED. Homoiu E6EE t G« 8»- oppo CmU* A