Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 5, 6 Ianuali 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
* Advertisements .. . ■ — - ■■,r^...== NOTICE. ■ Mb. J. W. Ltxtso is now the I \dvertisiag Ageut »nd Solicitor ‘or tbe Haw.ui Holoxca. His reoerpt will be henc©Corwanl mfficient for auy sums owing to >nr puper. CHAS. GIRDL£R, lmporter :m«i Comm«>sion Merehant. 5PBCUI TIES: J. Jt P. Co*u' Maehiae TAr«*d Joo*6 Brocks’ lUehiiw Ihnwl B*rt»nr> Lia«n TTuf»d Pe*rs' So*; P. O. Box 3M. Mutu*n>H>bAf i 13 K**ham*nu S«rve< LEWIS A C0. Wholesale and Retail 6rocers PROVlSIOX DEALERS. FRESR CAL1F0RNIA 8ALM0N UMICB Bv Every H*a Fr*nciH«s> Ste»mer. Salt Halmon in Barkels a Spf.cialty. iii Fort St., HohoMu. Tfl. 240 , P. O. Bo.x 29 j. Long Branch BATH I N G Establishment. This First-class Bathing Resort has been enlarge<l aud is now open to the pablic. It is the best plaee ou the islands to enjoy a bath and there is ao better plaee to lay oli. Speoial aeeommodations for Ladies. Tramc»rs pass tiie door every half hourand on Satardays and Sundays every fiftoen minntes. e. J. SHERWOOD Proprietor. Jjational lron Wūripi Qpek-S Strket. Betweeu Alake» Ar Richard Sts. THE UNDER8IGSEI) »r« 10 tn*kr pU kind» of lntn Br*.sh, Bron«, Ziu<\ Tiri *nd Lr*d C’*st 111*1*. AUo * OenenU Kepcir S6op Jor St#wiu Eb*umw. Kkw MilK l'oni MilU. W»t*r Wheel*. W iwi MUK «-U-. M*rbtors (or th« Qe«iua* of Coffre, C«iSar Oil*, Be*as R»mie, Sns*l, PtiM*ppto Lmw A oth«T Ftbrou.« Pi**(*. A*d P*per8(oefc Abo M>rhiixw for Extr*etin* SUrrb fna the M*uioc. Airow Boot. df. PT AU (MWn promptiT »tten*Wd 10. WHITE, RITMAN « CO. 8 I *• *■ —„ - - • >^otice* , The Fish Pomi <>f Mamwlaa 00 tiiis lslantl. i» priv»te property and any penon foaod wilhin th« iimiU ōf the poud for auy parpo#w wiii be proeeco(ed. Bv order YIT LEE. de27 1*