Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 5, 6 January 1894 — OUTWARD BOUND [ARTICLE]
— The Dep*rtute of the AuiInlia. Aa onasuaily iarge cro«d vas ■ present at the wharf to d«y lo witness the departnre of the steamer Aostndia. for H«n Franciseo. The band was there and dis ; coareed soands both sweet and discoTd«nt and to those of weak longs was most obnoTĪous the mnaie being mostly of the rorte order. The good ship was well laden witb loeal produce and car ried a valuable c»rge of living freight. The maila were a little late bnt nol unuecessarily so. as the Post Office emplopeee had many lettere «ad a huge i|U«atity of newspapere to properly assort after the regolar mail receipt hour w«sclosed. Tbeir work was accomplished with celerity and despatch and withiu tw*nty miuutes p«st tbe hour the ladeu ship was severing her c< inectiou with Hawaiiau shores. The nsaal fluttering of handkerchiefs. tbe wafting of l ibial messages and the exchauging of floral tokens of afieotion and rememberance, were noticiable. As the vessel stearaed out the harbor compliments weie eichanged between the Anstralia and the warehips in poft and the looal band played Auld Lang S\ r ne and “Hawaii Ponoi. Araongst those who loouied np on the deck lāilen with leis was Ex-Minister of Foi*eign Affaire, Sam. Parker; E\-Attovney Oeneral A. P. Petereon, Hon. L. A. Thuraton. Mana Widemann, Hon. E. G. Macfarlnne, Vice Cousul W. Porter Boyd aud wife, Mrs. Ailau and her contingent of assistant8 and mauy othere.