Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 5, 6 January 1894 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]
We«tber sbowe»y. BusinesN still oontim»es very ilall. Tbe wiml iseast to day. More opportunitv for tbe '‘wind tiew end—way8.” The Phonojjfraph parlors at ArIiugtou Block are reoeiving deserved patronagc. Tbe new nmrebal doe» not seetu to u»aterialize. Probablv only a sbadow picture. A towaway was ret» rued from the steamer Miowena yete»xlay afteruoou. lt »» re|>orted thāt four otherw bad‘ preserved the»r inoog Care-taker K. J. Greeue. i» do»ng a gocal work in elearing &nav the superlluous arl>oreous matter about tbe Palaoe grounds. The »mproved ap»>**arauoe is ereditable. Brtlliaui flaabes of ligbtniug were rapid iu aoooeaaion ou tbe uorth*wetitern horiaon l«sl evening. At early morn»ug tbe muffled ro!l of distaut tbundei was audible. Water as bot «a it oau b« drauk, witb a little lime auvi augar iu. to make pal»table. aud s proper amouut of iT««fn (olitaiuable at anv druggist’s) ū reoommeudevl aa a preveut*tiv» aud a cure for tbe * grippe.
The Paradu-e of the Pacific for D©cei«ber is» rsnt Se%era! lettere. produi-ed. «ho»h the wide spresd i circnlation of the paper. I I The l*aited Pre« repre8entetive is endeavoring to obtain j intenieirs with prominent. soralle*l Roya)iste. Hia ideulity has far debarred him from beinp eneeeeaW. Pr>f A B. Lyons is trv ing to i wret>tle geologically, in tbe “Tist-r" with ‘Dtvine sand. Kot 1 tbe kind in the bags ahout the Pala< e b©canse that sand is nsed as a pn3tection forthe wicked. Kitie ranges are now being establisbed in the region of tbe Lunalilo home. Who pays the j bill for cartiidges? Tbe taxpayer! The item may not appear as “cartridges.” in the bill but it i will i>e there all the same. . I The-ont-of wovk spies are looking with lnnging eyes toward the rising sun. They hatetowork, — now that loafing has beeu snch a pleasant and well paid job. | None of the raob are e-xpected to j register as eahin passeugeis on an\ outward bound craft. 3he <)apanese by ,the City of Peking, 183 in number,andnow in Qutrautine describe themselves as stndents. They will, very probably. take up stndies in agricultnral Iabor on the varioog plantalions at $8.00 per month, until they receive the right of Bufirage. l)ou’t forget the concert by. the Misses Albu to-night at the Opera House. lt will be qaite a ; relavation to hear the strong, rich, yet soft and sweet, voices of the lady singers caroling Hawaiiau sougs. The chorus singing by the Quintette olub will be an interesting feature. The eloek on Kawaiahao cburch has been stppped for sorae time haek aml is still allowed, by the trustees, to remain in that tickless and nou-eom-iunnicative conditiou lt was an expiessive aud mueh looked at faoe in the past, bnt. it may have. developed Royalist tendencies so its powev has heen temporarily removed.