Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 5, 6 Ianuali 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
-1 ' POrSD M ASTKK*S NOT!CE. Not>c« i* h«»bj g»Ten to *!1 '.h*t there is »t the Oownuneni P> ■.!»<! %t M«kiki, I good white tuare hnn-' nd«aenb*bie ou right hip *ud on Ihe rigi • .ide of the —eh. Abj penon or per*on» o» um. ;hia b»k. are reqneeted to eome &nd teke th.e eame oa or belcre 12 o'eloek aoonof SaIITRD4'. lannaiw 20, ISW JAME8 KUKONA, Pouad iluttt Makiki, J*n. 5, B5.GO Reward. A Lndy s OOLD WATCH. Key Winding, Iost betweeu Nuuanu. King. Bethel and Merch«nt Streets. The reward will giren to the finder bv retarnii»g to the Holompa oiHee j;tn.3-lwa W0 GHAN & Co. s V I Merchant Tniior ! V ► a King street, Thon)r<a Hloek uext door to Holomna £ce Ali Suits Guaranteed to Fit r and 1N THE LATEST STYLE. Clothea (Cleaued aiwH Hepaired. j no‘27 WI. DAVLES R1GGER : anī» : STEV EDOKE E8TIMATF.W ANP COXTBAl TS ON all rinds of woek. Ornct- With Wright Bros., F«»rt Htrr«t. ilei' 16-tf W.S. LUCE "Wine and Spirit M erchant Oamphell Fite-proof liltn:k , MERCHANT ST HONOLULU Furnished Cottage to LET AT WAIKIKi. A completelv furniahed cottage at Waikiki, eloae to Trara Cars. Oottage eoniaina parlor, 2 bedrooms, diniug room, pantry and kitcben, ouUhouses, etc. Said premises will he let to a desirable tenant at n >).oderate rental, posession given immediatelv. Apply at this Office jan 4-lwd Chas. T. Gulick notary pubuc • < vt v :. 4 v. r • • t-. .. - - For the lalauel of Oahu. _Agent to Take Acknowledgmenta to Labor Contracte t Agent to Grant Mnrriage Lieense«. Honoluln. Oahu. Agentforthe Haw’n lalanla of Prrr a SScorr’a Freight and Parcela Expresa. Agent for tbe Hurl)i.gtou Kouu> M £slale En|gr M teral Aieit Bell Tel. 34S; Mut. Tel. 139; P. O Box 415 OFFlCE No. MERCHAKT Straet, Honoiuiu, H. 1.