Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 4, 5 January 1894 — PERSONAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]
Wr, U«b. Waurer the l'amoua to«sorial artial who for » uumber of yun haa wielileil the razor at the Hawaiian Hotel !eavea tomorrow by t>e Auatralia tor , San Francieco. G«». «aya that there are no poliiiea eonneeleil with hi« trip acrv*e» Ihe pond—but he adda with that well known wink in hia left eye—“1 ain’t <Hmiing back alone.” Mr. William Moutrose Qraham nephew of Dr. .1. S. McOrew and hnaneial clerk of the Oahu R- R. Oouatruction Co.. is annouooed to beoome a Benedict. Hon. A. P. Petersou ex-At torney-Geneml of the Kingdom leavea bv the Auatralia for San Francisco. Lieui. and M«. Kueh left by the steamer City of Pekingfor San Francisco, they will vieit variou$ frieoda and relatives en r >ute to the home of the parent» of Lieot. Huah in Philadelpbia. Mr*. Qerber and daughter ol Philade)hia leave for their home by tbe Australia to-morrow. Rev. T. S. Tyng, Tokvo. Louii Prohasha. Yokohama; and T. W Tuckey. Teintsm, are arrival! booked at the Hotel from thi Oity of Peking.
8oroe of the fine9t «peeimea» of pond mallets we have ever s»eea wer« brongbt to towo lo-<iay from Mr. Cortie P Uukee e fish pond •t Ew». The fi»h whioh are as large *nd f*t •» an> houaekeeper oau deeire ere for #ale »t the MetropoliUn Meel Market where fieh froco Mr. ieukea e pood o*n be obUioed io the fotare et e eeeeonehle rete.