Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 4, 5 Ianuali 1894 — A FUNNY DIPLOMAT. [ARTICLE]
Although. Mr. J. L Ste*ens Iately has been considered the I ehampion blunderer in the ccrpa | dipiomatique o( the world, we ar« iuciined to believe that our own I I •*diplomat’’ Mr. L. A Thurston ean beat him hollow We will not ment»on h»s appearance iu j ■ print in the United States attack1 ing the government t«> whieh he iis accre»lited. bnt simply eall attentiou to the alxsurdity of » diplomatic representative leaving ! h»s post miki'-ui penn).<*ion frotn his home government and iu a most critical moment. and then rnning home. Forsooth, Lorr»n i Andrews Thnrston must have ; I receivetl bis lessons in diplomatic etiquette in the same school j ! where Lorrin Andrews leanieil : h»s manners.