Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 4, 5 January 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
I PUBLISHING Co. PUBLISHERS 0F THE ‘ HAWAII * * HOLOMUA,” 4. Journal issued Daily, (Sunday excepted) In the English langnage, and pledged in policy to support the Eights and Pbeyileges of the Hawaiian People, the interests of the laboring men, and good and honest Government for the whole country. £ ALSO OF THE "Hawaii Holnmua J i A JTornal Issued Weekly in tlie Hawaiian Language, W1TH The Largest Circulation 0f any paper pubiished in the Hawaiian lsland3. XMIIII Job Printers AU Books and Job Pnnmsa neaUy executed at &hort notioe and at moderate figures. * BILL HEADS, CARD8, LETTER HEADS, POSTEB8 f etc.. Finiahed in Firet-Claag style. Island Orden solicited and prompily attended to. ' • ■ Omct : Tfao«M' Bloek, King 8tn«t, H. I