Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 4, 5 January 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Advertisements NOTICE. I 31b. J. W. Lcsix« i» no* tha i AitTertiaing Agent and Solicitor for the Hawau HoLOnrA. Hi? receipt will be henceforwartl . snffictent for any soūjs owing to onr paper. CHA8. GIRDLER, Importer &ud Comm«aBion} ‘ Men hanL SP&'IALTHS: J. * P. Coat»' Maehine Thw»<i Jow B*vok»' M*eiun» Thf«fcl Lioeu Thre.ui So«p P. O. Boi 358. Mnsuai Telephon« 55« 15 K*ahum*uu Strwt. I LEWIS & C0. Wholesale and Retaii 6rocers AXD PRO\TSION DEALERS.

'R£SR CALIFORNlA 8ALM0N ON ICE By Evory Ban Pnnoiaoo Ste.tiuer. >ALT SALMON' IX BaKRELS a Specialty. r ir Fort St., Uonolulu. 7V/. 240, P. O. Box 297. Long Branch BATH ING Establishment.

This First-class Batkmg Resort bas been enlarged and is now open to the puhlie. It is the best plaee on the is)ands to enjoy a bath and there is no better plaee to lay otf. Special aeoommOilations for Ladies. Iramcars pass the door every half hourand ou Satnrdays and Snudays every fifteen minntes. e. J. SHERWOOD Proprietor.

llaliiimal ton Woi 1^ QrEF.N Stkef.t, Between Alnkea Hiehanl Sb». THE &KDKR8IGKED »re pn-pn»''* 1 *° ouike ('H kimln ot Iron Kra*s. Brotue, Zīdc, Tin an»l Le*d CMti»gf. Alao » Oneiml Kep*ir Shop for S*e»m En»pww, Rice MiU». Coen MJK WaU>r WVeU, \Vin«l MilU, etr Mnchines for the Clemning ol Coffte. C**loi 1X1*. Kenn*. K*mie, Sw*l. Pineapple Le*»e* >t otber Rbiwe Plnni». An<l F»per S«ock

1U far Extr*c-tibg S«*rch iro*» lt« liuiioe, Anv« Bm>(, ftc. AU UniM» proa»p*i.T aWmwW W. WHITE, RITMAN CO. ]SToticeTbe F;sh Pon«iof Maanalna on ifeĪH I»laml . »» pr»Tflte pn>pertv an ,i anv peiaon fonn*i w»thu» the limiUui tl»e p »nd for auv parpOHe Wkll l»e pn B«cnUl. Bv onler \ 1T LEE. d®27 Iw