Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 4, 5 Ianuali 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

£aturday-:-Evening, JANUARY B. 1894. Graūd Corapliinent<u*yBeūeftt TENDEKED TO Miss JULIE ALBU, S. R. C. M. Special arvanKements of Natīve Aibs will be sung as Duetts bv the Misses Albu. assisted by the

Q,uintette Club Leading Loeal Talent W ill be a Featnre of the Eveuing MISS JUL1E ALBU Will sing ‘‘Sing Sw. et Bird. ’ •‘Best of AU” and * Tell Me My Heart." MISS ROSE ALBU Will sing '*Auld Robin Qray. ’ Was a Dream” and a “CHvatiua From Sonnambula.” THE MISSES ALBU In duets. will sing “Hear Me Nonua.” (by re(iuest) and “1 Wpuhl That My Love. Reserve<l seats, $1; other aeats 75 and 50 cents. Boi plan open at 9 o’eloek this mornmg at L. J. Levevs.

M. L. M PLITNKETT. Manager. jan 4-ttI

Furnlshed Cottage LET AT WAIKIKI.

A compietelv Curnish*-d cottage at Waikiki. cW to Traro CareC<«ttage contaios parlor, i bedroo0s, diniug roora. panin- and kitoben. out-houses. etc. Said premises will be let to a desirable tenant »t a moderate rent»l. posession g»ven ironaediately. Apply at this OmeE. jan 4-1 wd

Nx>tice. The Anuoal Me«tiDg of tbe HONOLULL CR1CKET CLUB will be heW at the Hawauan Hoiel, on WEI>NES1>AY. the lOih inat. at 7 o’eloek P.n. R. L AUEHBACH. SecreUry. lt-d.