Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 4, 5 Ianuali 1894 — Cowardice. [ARTICLE]
The “ Adv©rtiser” follows m the foot«tepe of tbe * St»r br a oowardly insinuation that Messrs Parker and Peterson s trip to San Francisco has a political ob- , ject and the organ eveu goes so far as to insmuat» that the Queen i« paying the expenses l of the two gentletuen. As we stated yesterd«T Mr. Parkor is obliged to go to Snn Fraucisco to make the necessnry arrangements for h settlemeut of his estate. Mr. Peterson who is his Attorney accorapnnies hiin to as sist him in fnlly ©xplaining his fiuHiicial status and arn*uge the details of an eventual settlement. If the Advertiser or the Star desire to have our statements corroborat©d we oao r»‘fer them to auy of the
| ]eading merchants who are | araong Mr Parker s creditors. The eowaniiee of the two annex-1 atiou papers is further emphasized >v their contemptible attitnde in this innlanee. M hen Mr. Parker wa» beiug financially orowdeil io tho wall both pape« ' i thre«r themselve» into a wild
VU*V «.iegree of euthusiasm.ftod gloried ; orer the misfoitnne of a man , who nerer had banned tbem or ! anvbodv elee, hen tho aame i man tries to pay every man what | U dne him and takes tbe only ; step whieh ean make his inten- i iion (easible the «m» papers \ i howl aod aneer and tr\- to pot i erery obstacle in hia vray. i • stamp anoh aotion *a arrant | cowardiee.
A uaw«paper in iapan i* over 900 vean> old, lu pr*jeet**r īa dead, and iia pr«eut pn»prietor «aya th»t if mw of th« origina! *ubecnbera don’l i»ay up 1 *non, b« U «ro*a th«ir nama* off h» |tab««ipt!oa hooka.