Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 4, 5 Ianuali 1894 — ANOTHER BENEDIGT [ARTICLE]
A Pretty Mid-Day Wedding. -J i The «nnouno#mem ol the c iniended m>rrūig6 of Ltcot Rash | of tbe Tnitod States Nary and 1 3iiss 4ane Hare. a yonng lady | who nomberā muny frienda and ; * acqoaintancee aroongst this eom- j munity has l>e«n before the * pub)ic for roany days and heoame ; a finished fact at 1 o’eloek to-day at St. Audrew’s Caihedral. Alei. Mackintosh, offic;aticp. Before the hour announoed. 1 , 0 eloek, the body of the church waa fil)ed with a large gathering j of friends of the eonple, numbers of the fair sex predominating. A few minntes past the tīme set the bridal party Hrrived, Miss H»re the bride, lookiag as pretty as a picture in a gr«y travelling dress with bat and gloves to raatch, escorted bv her brother, Mr. J. j H. Hare of Wilder’s S. S. Co., j and having as maid of honor, i Miss Bessie Keynolds and who | was dressed in white swiss musHn with whito silk velvet trim- ! mings. Tbe oeremony wa» abort but j impresāive uud the choir ōoni'.gtj ing of Mrs E D. Tenny. Miss#s ( Von Holt ; Rickard (2) Glade, | 1 Mist and M»srs. Arrastrong Smitb H. Miat. and E St >nley. cheer j | fully voioed th« responsea. j ; After the cereraony tb* bridal pair were then driven to the i steamer City of Peking by whieh ! they will tvke passage to the Coast. Lient. Rush arrayed in
VUttSl. J his uniform as a lieutenant in the U. S. Naw was accompanied as best man, by raymaster McDonald U. S. N. Amongst those present aside from the parents and relations of the bride wei'e, Hon. W.O. Sraith Major Potter. Major McLord, Lieut. Wood, Lieut. Prince. Engiueer Little. Surgeon €randell of the U. S S. Philadelphia, j Lieut. Adams, Paymaster Hendee, j Lieut. Kane, Lieut. Ma’gee, and j Ensign Vogelgesang of the U. S. Ss. Adaras. Mrs. Paul Neumann, I Mrs. Wilder, Mrs. J. M. Oat, i Mrs G. K. Wilder, Mrs. Stilesou, Mrs. Tenny, Mrs. E. F. Bishop, j the Misses Walker, Misses Afong, Miss Cornwell, Capt. and Mrs. j H. Gunn. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. | Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. Jj MeLean. Mr. and Mrs. David . Daytou, J. M. Davidson esq.. S. Wilder, McLeod aud mauy others.