Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 4, 5 January 1894 — The Sailor's Home Sooiety [ARTICLE]
The Sailor's Home Sooiety
The bu#iue«« done at th« m«et- ' ing of the Sailur*9 Hoine 9ociety tbi» niorning con«i»ted of the pre- ( 9entntion of ihe report of the >iecretary »nd ire:i»urer at.d the 1 eleotion of trust«H*. to ftll expiring terms. and otficers. 1 h« new trustee« o>neist of Messr». Hell, Iririo. Dillingham, Cleghorn.GUde and M<y. A directore meeting followed tbe regnlar meeting, »1 whieh the following officer» were elected for the en»uiug year. preeidenl. C. R. Bi»hop. »ecret»ry, F. A. Sch»efer. tre»»urer, John H. P»ty. Ex«cutite OommiUee, Mee»re. 1 Athertou, Oooke, »rd A. 8. 1 j Oief horn. M m * |t )i suppoeed that the liou* inl*> l! whoee den D»niwl we» were i j aoeieiy lio»» Tliey didn*t l»ita»ny i noiioe of him. it w«U be »«»«»- i bered.