Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 3, 4 January 1894 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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A new marshal? The influt»nza i9again epideinic. The Friend, for January, ia published. The Couucils are meeting this afternoon. The City of Pokiug is telephouoil as we go to press. It >s reportod that Johu Ena intonds to resign from tho Advisory CoanciI. The |gootl, «nissionary people have now a niee little corner on kerosene oil. . The new Electric Power Co is yet to be beard from in business activity. Kidiug hulloek», frora Kauai, are bcing ridden about the streets of tbe city. The man-eating 8bark. for tho Haw&iian exhibit, has not been caught yeL The steamer Miowera will prob ibly sail to-morrow for tbe Coast The prevailing southerly weaiher is hoped to aid eome of the overdue ships to port here. Mr W. C. Wildor was appointed by the Advisory combination to the position of vice-president, ' vice Hatch fco Miuister ofForeign ! Afluirs. |

Th*> vather f*r paet two d%ys aa* heen very clo»e and ancomfortabie. Light, min showere: i «rind r.e*riog Soutb • } - Tfarum’s Annual f*>r 1894 ia a «p<cin>enof Aaetraliao comp«>t(tion iu the manner īn whieh the loeal f*ct= are thrown together. - Xbe Holomi- a aeknowl edges receipt of one of the ver\’ handy calendars of Allianee Assurance Comj onies by the hands of Mr. J. 'Valker the loeal aeent. — Mr. Cbarles T. Wilder, the Hawaiian ConaaI at San Fraucisco, is being mnlcted ia varicus snms by whiie friends who are *‘awfolIy glad you know” to get haek to ; Honululu. The general pnblic will, veiy piobably, have an opportunity to listen to a musical band eonj cert at tbe Hotel ground to- ! morrow nigbt. The Naiional j Bami is oipected to play. A S‘.ar-gaaing rep >rler of a loeal paper mentions having seea exMar=>hal Wilson paying a visit to the Queen. A mistake, Marshal Wil«on has heeu, and is, on the othcr ?ide of the Island. The AJvertiser prints a letter from an Alaska man who desires I to know the present address of j missionary Hammond of i unsavory memory. An inqairy is also voiced by two reputable Eastorn papcrs, in advauce, of the probable address of Stella Smith after departure from here. A dump cart was forced to play a halloon act at the sido of tbe Miowera this morning by being hoistod from earth by one of the side stages. The pos:Hon of hor.-e and cart was for a few miuutes eomieal aud was onjoyed by a lot of ex P. G. warriors. Two members of the Sailors’ Homo Society \vero “a day ahead of the fair” by beiug presont at the hall this morning aud somcwhat indignant, because their confreres did not eome. They left their cards and departod hut will, very probably be present to-morrow.