Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 3, 4 January 1894 — A SENSIBLE VIEW. [ARTICLE]
11 » Springer on Hawaiian Restoration. i 1 I 11 Hon. Wiiiiam M. Springer iu ! an aiiiele ou the Hawaiian situ- * atiou iu the December nnraber of the y&r1k American Review takes this advanced stand for a restoration of the monarchy: j“Wecannot redress tbe wrong we have committed by merely i witbdrawing our forces, after they have been used for seveutyfive days to suppress the existing Government aud established a Provisional Govemment in its stead. We must rcstore to the Queen her owu armed forces and we most disarm the forces of the Provisioual Governmeut whieh were armed and eqnipperl by the aid and under the protection of onr uavy. Anything short of this is a mockeiy o£ ju>tioe, a disgrace io our diplomaey, is unworthy of a Christiau natiou. and a travesty npou onr devotion to the principles of leeal sclfgovernmout. “If the restoration ofthestatas qno, whieh existed prior to the Ianding of our forces on Hawai- | ian soil, it should resnit iu the restoration of tbe monarchy ; dowufall of whieh was due to oor intervention. If it does uot resnlt in a rostoration of the monarchy, theu we have washod bands of responsibility in the mattcr and have vindicated the ! integrity of onr dip!omacy und 1 the high character of our Goverament as one whieh loves jostice and maintaius international coraity. Therefore, it is not the restoration of tbe monarchv whieh is in issue, bot it is the restoration of the coudition whieh existed prior to tho armed intervention of the United States. ' Justice reqnires that our Governj ment should go back thns far, ' and when wo have thus done justice we are not responsib!o for i the iujustice that others may do. : T\e mnst maintain our integrity !as a naiion. We iuust vindicate ; our regard for the rights of a weak aud defenseless Goveruj ment. — N. V. Com. Adv.