Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 3, 4 January 1894 — PHORCED PHORAGING [ARTICLE]

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1" Succcssful Raids by Gcreral Scissors. — The colored race doea not in- ! crea»e rapidly in New E ?Iand. I Rbode Island is the on!y one of ihe New England States where the eolored pe-‘'ple were in 1890 over 2 : per cent of the popu!ation. A Faris statistician hae connted j the nuraber of words employed by j 3ome of the most celebrated writera. j He reports that ihe works of | Corneille do not coatain raore than 7000 different words, and tbose of MoIiere 8000. Shakeepeare. the ra*i8t fertile and varied of English authors, wrote all histragedies aad comedies with 15,000. “Paradise Losl” eiinlaina only 800, and ihe 01d Testament says all that it has i to say with 5642 \vords. i A Comraission of French arv'hi- ; tects aud aroha'ologists has heen 1 appointed to exp!ore Sardes. th* i oapilal of Lydia and the residence i of Cra*sus. It costs 64 cents to run a train a ueile in Eng!and. Telephones are now beiog intro- | duced on board men-of-war. The daily surplus of births over | deaths in the United Kingdom is | 1,500. It costs ihe U. S. Government $250,000 a year to print the Conjrtmonal Rerord. The Government of N*icaragua | offers 240 acres of coffe« land to every married immigrant and 120 to every single one. New York burglars now disi guise theraselves as women and I veil ihemselves heavily, The Atkinson (Neb.) Graphir 1 has tbe youngest compositor in the State —a boy eight years old. Women work on French rail- ; roads. | France announces incorabustibIe : shoes. Norway has a waterproof paper church. Gas enginea of 60-horse power tre now made. Electricity last year took 28,681 I honses out of street-car service in 1 America. An idea of th»size of the Vatican • may be gained by the statement j that thcre are no fewer ihan 4422 I rooms in it. It is eslimatcd lhat Americans ; average twenty-nine ratiroad trip« anuually, or ten more thau ihe ī average Briton. Febrnary. in 1900, will not oon- . tsin twenty-nine day», altbough ie , will be leap year. February :n I 1700 abo contained only twenty- ; eight days. There i» a alight error | in the Gregorian calendar, but it I will unly amouol to one day in ‘ 3,325 years. In 1892 nearly 600 persons di«d I m Kuaeia between the ages of 100 and 105. 130 between 115 and 120, ! while three were reported to the ! anthorities as having died after ■ living to bc 150 years or more of i»geA text-book on Free Trade ran | as a aerial in the CongreesionaI | Record of Iast 8«saioo baviog been smuggled in by a merober who obtained “leave to priui" aomethicg. JLaotāflr faaai: omwI; ; A tatan to be or Ioet. ; Cots« «iUt Ujt bloooa aad <rast mm Happy- u -*** Y «ar: fmh fn>at bMT«aIj gn>aa*i, | B« to hi Hob u ugtl i B«hM tha «b&Btfia4 a x«a go rottAd, 1 H*ppy, Uppj, Sew le»r.