Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 3, 4 January 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
HOLOMUA PUBLISHING Co. PUBLISH£RS OF THE “ HAWAIl * • HOLOMUA,” A. Journal islued Daily, (Sunday excepted) In the English langnage, and pledged in policy to snpport the Rioht8 and Previleges of the Uawaiian People, the interests of the laboring men, and good and honest Government for the whole country. ALSO OF THE f 'Hawaii Hnlnimia/' A. Jornal Issued \Veekly in the Ilawaiian Language, W1TH The Lapo;est Circulation i Of any paper pub!ished in the Iluwaiian ls!ands. >w>w>um Job Printers All Books and Job Pristd»q neaUy executed at short notice and at moderate figures. BILL heads, cards, LETTER HEAP8, POSTERS, etc., Finisbed in First-Class sty le. Island Orders so!icited and promptly attended to. / Ofpici : Thomaa’ Block. King Street, Honoiulu, H. I.