Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 3, 4 Ianuali 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Hawaiiaa Opera House £aturday -:-Evening, JANUAEY 6. 189 Grand CompliraentaryBeūefit TEXDERED TO Miss IULIE 1LBU, 1 S. R. C. M. Special arranKements of Native Airs will be sung as Duetts by the Misses Albu. assisted by the Q,uintette Club Leading Loeal Talent W’iil be a Featnre of the Evening. MISS JULIE ALBU Will sing “Sing Sweet Bird,” “Best of All” and “Tell Me My Heart.” MISS ROSE ALBU Will sino; “Auld Robin Gray,' ! ! “lt \Vas a Dream” and a I “Cavatina From Sonnamba’a.” THE MISSES ALBU In duets, will sing “Hear Me Norraa,” (by request) and j “1 WouUl That My Love.” j HOĒ’ Resenretl seats, §1; other | seats 75 and 50 cents. Box plan | j open at 9 o’eloek this morning at ■ ; L. J. Levey’s. M. L. M PLUNKETT. Manager. jau 4-td | Furnished Cottage to LET AT WAIKIKI. A completelv furnished eottage | at Waikiki, dose to Tram Cars. ; Cottage contaius parlor, 2 bed- i rooms. diniug room, pantrv and kitcben, out-hous©s, etc. Said premises will be let to a desīrable i ( lenani at a moderate rental, posession given immediately. Apply at this Office. jan 4-lwd » — mmmmmmmmmm. _..„.— , j ISTotice. | The Anuual Meeting o! ihe * HONOLULU CRICKET CLUB | will be ho’d at the Hawaiian I Holel, on WEDXESDAT. the 10th inst. at 7 o’eloek p.m. R L. AUERBACH. Secretan. ltd.