Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 3, 4 January 1894 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]
i ( - | fWe do i». bold cnmlT»s respoasible foi , the opinieiw ot tikt of oar , i ' eorrespōadea«.3 1 Editob Holomua. } ] John L. Stevens accredited ! , minister of the United States to 1 I the Conrt of Hawaiī Ianded the ; marines of the U. S. S. Boston on the 16tb of January 1893 at Honolulu for the osteusible purpose of protecting Ameriean life and property —now as it is claimed that ail of the so-cailed ’ American citizens residing here, and that even those who falsely ' j pretented to be Americans, had | taken op arms and were in open rebellion against the legal government of Hawaii, it shows clearly that Stevens protected the rebels and aided the rebellion in open violation of all international laws. Amep.ioak Citizex. . Wedding presents are no longer | confined to siiver and gold. “Everything goes” now, from a i eomh aud brush to a set of decorated ehina.