Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 3, 4 January 1894 — HUMAN BIRDS. [ARTICLE]

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The Cultured Albu Canaries. Tho maaieal treat on Saturday qyeuing will surpass all previous conccrts given by thoso sweet singers the Missos Albu, the oecassion being a benefit at the Opera House tendered to Miss All.u (Jnlie. the elder of the two gifted Euglish sopranos). Of the taleuts of the ladies we have said all that is possib!e, but a new featnre will be the piping of Hawaiian duets Jomed of the Quintotte Club. Our leadiug loeal peop!e ;ire going to assist aud with the magnifio©nt list of songs advertisod tho people of Houolnlu know of the treat in store, this fact was shown by tbe demand for tickets at au early hour this moruing. Get your seat reserved at L. J. Levey’s. Ei'iion Holomui: I request to eall your attention to the grammaticvl error made in ihe poetry of Jan. 2nd inst. *‘A Xow Year’sCake.” The verb “were” should have b«?en used 5n the eon* ?tructioa of the sentence, “While April the eggs was o’erjoyeol to provide,” and not ‘was.” Very respectfuUy. OeEOLA Dki.akak. “Oeeola” Delamar. whose name is significant of poetry aud redolent of tbe marines, is asked to read the line tbus, “while April was oerjoyed to provide tbe oggs, ” Wo caunot prevail on i ourselves to read it “while April | i tbe eggs were o erjoyed to pro|vide,, a8 we ean see no reasoo wby eggs sbould be o erjoyed to prodoce April—or anytbing elao — uuless it be yonng birds or a sensation of decayed flaid under tbe proboscis of grammariaos of ! i Ocqola’s type. (Ed.) |