Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 2, 3 January 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
» Hu.siness C'ards rG. W. HiCFiRLANE L C0„ Impopt€Ps and Commissioi\ fdepchants, Honoluln, - Huwaiian Islands I ! THOMAS LINDSAY Mannfacfnring/\ Jev*Jer and \Vatehmaker, Mclimrny Block, 405 Fort St,. Honolalu. ! — 1 HABBISON BROS.. t3T CONTRACTOB8 AND EU1LDERS, ‘208 Fort St., Honolnln. % MEBCHANT S EXCHANGE, | S. I. SHA\V, Pkoprietor, CHOICE LIQ UORS and FINE BEER, Corner of King aiul Nnnunn St.s., Mntual Tel. 4‘2H, Honolnlu. BRUCE & A. J. CARTWKIGHT Buniueas o( a Fidnoiary Nature Transaot«sl. l‘roiupt atteution giveu to ihe mauageuieut of Eatates, Guan)ianships, Trusts, eto., etc.. eto. 0(ficeM, : Carlu'i'iyht Building, Merelunt Street. Honolulu. PACIFIC 8AL00N. , Corner King aud Nuuann Streeta. • | — I ED\V. \VOLTEK... Mauager. The Fiuest selection o( LIQUOKS aud BCEK, aohl auywhere in the towu. Fir8t-clasH &ttendeuoe. Uall aud jndge for yonrself. uo SO-tf. FAT BOY.” 8AL00N I P. MrINFRNV, Pr«>prietor, Fine Liquors. Wines and Beer. UoKNEK BkTHF.L AND HoīKL Sts. i Kmpire Saloon, JAMES OLDS, Propriptor. !Fine Liquoi% Beei*, ALW.WH ON HANT>. Conier Nuuauu and Hotel StreeU Hell TeWphonc 381. P.«t OfBc* Boxi32. W.W. WRIGHT4S0N Caniaie (iWaion Builtte Li w * In All Its Bkanvhes. i I Horseshoeing A SPEC1ALTY. 79 80 Kmg St., Honolaia