Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 2, 3 January 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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HAWAII HOLO^A18 PL'BLI8H£I' JEvery Al'iei’U 0011 F.Xc’EBT 3DNUAY BT TiE Holomua Publishūg Co. At King St. (Thoma« block). Honolulu. H. 1. SUBSCRIPTION. per Mosth. 50 Cts. Tb«> u«per w d«hvered br Umer» m the towo »nd iuburt»s Sinale C4>i»8 tot ,t the New» T>e«lrrs nnJ at ue l Tffic , e oi poblio*t>on. lOHUUU NOKHlE, - - Editor A8HAHAM FERHANDēZ % Manager

NOTICK. All Busiuen8 Commuu]catio&> Bhould be addren8«d to Al>raliam Fernaidez, Houolulu, H. I. (!orrespondenoe and Comn»ttucations for uublication ahouhl l>eaddresse« J .:o tbe E<litor Hawaii Holomua. No uoiioe willlie paid to anv auouyiuouH oominnnioa'«ous. Business Oards A. F. FKTEKSON, AT1XJKNKV AT U»'. 113 K.aabumanu Stre*l, Honolulu Hawaiian Ialauds. CHARLES CREIGHTON.| ATTORNEY AT LiW. Ufflee. 113 Kaahumanu Stn«t, Honolulu Hawaiian lsland>. FAUL NEUMANM, ATTURNKY Af I,A\V. 314 MerchHut Strect. Honolulu, Muiunl Telephone 415. CLARENCE W. ASHFORD. ATTOENlY ANI) tX)USSELLOH AT LAW. (>ffli* Old (lapilol Huddcig, (Honolulu Halvj, adjoiuu»K Pon; «.HHoe, Honololn. J. M. DAVIDSON. ATTORNEY AT LAW. 30ts Merchaut St.. Ofic« (Mulual) Tel. 180. Resiiltinoe 67. A. KOSA. * ATTOHNEY AT LAW, No. 10 KaahumanuSt, Houolulo, Hawaiiau lslamls. JOHN LOTA KAIILUKOU. ATT\)RNEV tT LAW. Oflice, oorner & Bethel Sts. LEWI8 J LEVEY. Keal Estate and Oeiienal Auctioneer. OonMr Fort and Qn«o« Streets, Uonolaln Peieoua) atientioik giren to Saies of Farniture, Real Estate Stock aud Oeeenl Merch(ndise. Mmtaal loiaphou. •».