Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 2, 3 Ianuali 1894 — Phancy. [ARTICLE]
• - - Our enemiea are our outward ! eeaaienwe. I / The foolieh i»nd the dead alone i never cbsnge their opinione. - ■ There are mir.de limpiil aud pure wherein life fe like & ray of light . p!aying in » drop of dew. Kam’.s Horu ie of opinion that .' men who «penel more for tob«cco than they give to the misaiouary can.se never do the Lord mueh good by eboating in chnrch. [ I The man whu is ever lamenting. l never rejoicmg. is playing a part, I for life ie neitber conetanlly paini ful nor oonetantly g*y. - Men sotretimes affect b» deny | the depravity of our moe; but it ia i as clearly taugbt in the lawyer’« office and in tbe court of justice aa I in the Bible itself. • We ean ncver aee thi* wurld in ! īts trne light unleea we cunaider | otur iife in it as a atate of ducip- ; line—a conditiun through whieh we are }«ssiog to prepare f«»r anotber. | Aso now w«sadly iay 01d Year, ; Our !ove-wreath on thy snowy bier. ; Our love-wreaib moistene«l by a 1 ; tearl And, turning froia our brief adieu \Vith kindly welc»>me baiItbeNew ; True U> tbe Ruiing Power, «« «ii»g, Tbe kiug is drad; long !•«« lbe kingl