Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 2, 3 January 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Oeneral Advertisements A TA8T PS0J1C'F eoimn uke ir sceooiE»S'-iane r» iu; Owing to onr coostaDtly iBcrcatūag bosino33 tsd great demand of an appreciating coramunity, we hare eoncln<led to otfer an opportonity to «H partiea having capital. Our LINE of SCHīK)NERS raay ***u gliding over the BAR fille<l to their utraost carrying capacity wilh cle*r, eool aud invigorating F ,.d.Hck.b“, 9 j UGER BEER At the “Anchor Saloon." To accommotlate oor Vast Fleet of Schooners, we h*ve built a fine large Refrigerator reganiless of c<xt. Tiie •~-AJac:b.ox,~ Is the only plaee where a t*ol &*** of Frederickabarg Beer on draught oan be had in Honolulu. Step forwan! geutlemeu, NOW S the Time. oeU 3m notice. The undersignetl has receive<l frora tho Lasteru State« The Largest Single Order of Billiard Material ever importe<l to the lslauds. It oonclude» ss fullows Cloth, 3 grades; Cues, asssorted; Cuahions, [by Block, patent]; Billianl Balls, Composition und Ivo!y; Pool, Tips, Chalk; Pocket Csstings with leathers. and fringo complete; Pocket nettings, fringe aml leathers, Rubber covers; Court Pla.«ter, green aiul black; New style ohalk holders; Triangles; Shake balls and leather bottlea; 9 Pool pins; Markers, etc., etc. The above gootls have been purchase<i at rednce<l r*tes, and the undersigned is now prepared to do any and all kinds of BILLIARD TABI.K WORK at reasonable rates with dispatch. Also new aud second hand Eillianl and Pool Tables for Sale. Pleasc apply to J. P. BOWEN, Perry Block. Hotel St. Houolnlu lhj, E< MeU^e IMPORTERS AND DEALEK.S IN Qroceries, Provisions & Feed EABT CORNER FORT A KINO ST8 NEW GOODS RECEIVE0* By every Paekei from the Eastern SUtes and Europe. Fresh California Produce by everv steamer. All Onlers faitbfnlly attended to, and Ooods delivered to any part of ihe City—Pr«e of Ch«rge. Island Orders solicite<l. Satia!action goaranteed. Powi Office Box No. 145. Txlephuss No. 9*.