Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 2, 3 Ianuali 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

A-dvertii*ementi> Xj. h. JOBBCK u r Wines, Spirits, & Beers. HOTEL ST.. l*jtwet?n Fort ami Bethel streets. CHAS. CIRDLER, Importer aiul Commissioii Merchant. SPECIA1.TIES: J. A P. Co«te' Machmr Tkr«ad ' * Joaas Bruclte' Maehme Thr«*d Barboar5= Linen Thre»d Pears' So«p P. O. Box 3S$. Mutnai Telepkone 356 13 Kaahnmaun Streei. i : _j £ LEWI8 & C0. Whoieeale and Retail 6rocers | A\D PROVISION DEALERS. FRESR CALIF0RN1A 8ALM0N ON IGE By Every 8au Francisco Sle»mer. Salt Salmon in Barrels : a Specialty. j m Fort Sl. , Honolulu. Tel. 240, P. O. Box jyj. ; Long Branch # * I |BATHI N G Establishment. ThisFirst-class Bathmg Resort 1 has been enlarged and is now open to the public. It is the ; best plaee on the islands to enjoy j a bath and there is no better . plaee to lay oft*. Special aeeommodations for Ladies. Tramcars pass the door every half hourand j on 8aturdays and Suudays eveiy | | fifteen minutes. e. J. SHERWOOD | Proprietor. fiationDl Ii'on Wop^ Queen Street, Betweeu Alakea A Kichard Sta. * * THE UNDEBSIGNED axe prep*ml •«> m*ke «II kinds of i Imn Hrass, Bronrc, Ziuc, Tīn and Lrad Alao « I tivuerel Kcp»dr Shop for Su-*jn Engine». Biee MiIL', Corn Milk, *' ater Whwh, \Vind MiUa. { >Lu.‘hiu<n for th* Cte«ii:Qg of Coffoe, CsstorOBs, Be*a*, R*mie, Sis»i, Piue*pp)e Leave» i otber Fibro«* PLu»!*, Aod P*per 3tock Al*o Maehine* !or Eitnctuig 8Uich fro*i Ihe Manioe. Arrv>* Bovt, ete. * [_■?" AU Oniers. ptvmptly «ttended to. WHITE, RITMAN CO. >kOticeTbe Fish Pond of Mauoalua on 1 this Ialand, is private property. and any |>erson found within the limits of the poud for auy purpo.se will be prosecutetl. ' 1 Bv order YIT LEE. 1 de*7 Iw