Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 2, 3 Ianuali 1894 — PHORAGING. [ARTICLE]
| Raids by Gencral Scissors. The man who is shsdowed is i neceasarily under s cloud. | Man's Iife ia a eonaUnl trisl snd all his neinhbors are on the jury. A man’a idea of the right titr.e i|to move is when he become« too well known iu * town lo h*ve a good time wiihoul his wife hearing | of 5t. A tish diet is said to be gcx>d tor the brain. Pmbably tbis is because the fish go ao often in aehoole. “'Vhat is our husband doing now?” “Nothing. He has be«n appointed to an office.” J “Dick, my new bonnet cost 175.’ Dick (laking ber hi hia arme) — “Ethel, my d*ar—dear Ethel.’’ Smith—“Did your sou pa.ss. • bis co)lege examioation without eonelilion?” Brown— "Yes\ they said thoy’d take hiin nnder no conditions. It has heeu noticed tbat when | n woman asks to be takeu to tbe silk counter she speaks in so mneh louder voice thnu when she asks to look at the ealieo remi nants. Druggist —' There you aro sir. > One-twenty-five.’’ Customer—j “Excuse rae, but I’m in the ! trade.” Druggist—“Oh, I beg j panlon. Ten cents.” — Kivers —“You fiatter me. Kanks, I remind you of Dr, | Jekyll, do 1?” “Y T es. You are 1 so mueh like Hyde-” Jack Potter —“We had a raeeting of the directors of our eom- : pany last night. ” Mrs. Potter j ‘What was the limit?” I