Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 2, 3 Ianuali 1894 — FOR THE COAST. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Passengevs by the “AusU’alia.” Followiug is ft list of passengers booked for tlie coast bv the steamer Austvalia sailing on Saturday; A. L. C. Atkinsou, Miss K. ; Cornwell, Miss Kaauwai, Miss | Keuter, Miss Cra\vshay. Mrs. Keohokalole, Mrs. Victor, Mrs. j Lothrop, Mrs. Garret aud son, ; Mi-s. E. C. Bond,OHver Stillman, j wife and children, J. Ailau aud | wife, Sydney Clemensonaud wife, j W. P. Boyd and wife, J. Smith, W. McVoy, Jr. ,F. R. Robinsou, ! F. W. Bliss, C. Behue, W. | j Waterhouse, Hon. F. M. Hatch, i A. L Williaaia and servant, M. Phillips, H, A. Widemann, Jr., I Masters Sharratt aud Richards. I Accident at Paia The Kinan briugs the news of ' a serious accident at the Paia Plantation whieh cansed the life I of a Japanese laborer. A new ! sraokestack was being placetl in i i ou the Mill wheu the gearing broke and the smokestack fell down killing oue of the laborers i | aud several injuring another. | Considerable damage was done ; I to the smokestack whieh was for- : warded bv the Kinau for repairs. i COEE£SPONDENCE [\Ve do nol hold OQt»it« rasponsibl« lor : tht' epiniona os the nttenuic«8 of our j ■ corre«pondent».] i EmTOB Holomi a. 8ir. Kmdly allow me a little space to contradict a ru*aor that 1 am a spy for the “Proviaiouai Governmeut/' I am not. I never have been. in the employ- | ment of this or auy otber Oovj erumeut in anv capacitv whatso ever. " Yours truly. T. R. Mossmau. Hooolulu, Janary, 3rd" 1S94 Every mau h*s iwo atlucations. : Uiat whieh is giveu to him and that whieh he gīves to bimseif. ‘ Never value auythiug whieh i i eompela thee to l >ae thy »elf-ies-peel.