Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 2, 3 Ianuali 1894 — PERSONALNOTES. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Mr. F. M. Hatch is booked to leave by tbe Anstralia. Mr. Chas. J. McCarthv is in i * towu to-day to t»ke part in K. ot P. proceeding«. Mr. Walter Hill ex-postmaster-general is in town on a business visit from Ewa. Mr. W Porter Boyd, the Ameriean Vice Consul wife are booked, for the Coast. by the Australia, Aloha nui Mr. J. W. Smith, Manager of the Peai l City Frnit Co., is visit- j iug the city 011 busiuess. Mr. H A. Widemanu, Jr..' returns to San Francisco by the ! Australia. He will roaume his duties with J. D. Spreckels and ' Bros. Mrs. Ailau and ber bevy of; assistauts leave for the Midwioter Fair at San Francisco by the Australia. 1 Hou. W: H. Cornwell, C. F. Horner and W. H. Hoogs ar- i rived here bv the Kiuau.