Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 2, 3 Ianuali 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
I j 85.00 Reward. A Lady’s (10LD WATCH, Kev Winding, lost between Nuu:inu, King. Bethol and Merohant Streets. The re\va»l will be | given to the finder bv returuiug to the Holomua oftice. jan.3-lwd j LOST A BUNDLE of KEYS between j Kuuanu. Hotel, Alakea 8treets and Kinau’s wharf. The fiuder will please leave them at the Holomua Office. ja3-lw. N otice. The Annual Meeting of the I HONOLULU CR1CKET CLUB will be held at the Hawaiian i Hotel, ou WEDNESDAY, tbe 10th inst. at 7 o'eloek p. m. R. L. AUERBACH. Secreturv. lt d. ; W. S. LUGE j 3 q Wine and Spirit Merchant i . f- im.pftf.il Fire-proof Block, \ MEKCHANT ST.. HONOLULU ■ Chas.,T. Gulick !| NOTARY PUBLIC i ) . For the lslnnd of Oahu. l | k j r i * Agent to Take Ac'kaowledgmenia to Labor Contracts. Agent to Grant Marriage Lieeu- ‘ ses. Honolulu, Oahn. y : Agent for the Haw’n Islands of t Pm & Scott'h Freight and P.ircels Express. n ) Agent for the Rurliugtou Kouie. 1 , Beal Estate Bnker aai 5fiiteral iteit Bell Tel. :tW; Mul Tel. J | 139; P. O. Box 415. OFFlCE: No. 38 MERCHANT t Street, Houoluln, H. 1. [j W1 DiYIE8, 1 1 RIG«ER : i»d ; STEVEDORE | EMK1UTES ASD CO.VTR.VCTS OX ALL KINDS OP WORK. ®rricE: With Wrjght Bro* . . Fc»t £txml. I &c 16-a