Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 1, 2 January 1894 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]
If you your swoaring WouKi give o’er, Don’t write it NioeUThree for four. The stearuer Peking is due from China. The Uoanl of £dnoation will raeet to-morrow foreaoon. Mr. S. Fugii, JapaueseCousalGeneral had open house on New Years day. The “Advertiser” appeared, late, this raorning. as a daily of eight pagtes. * . Tbe la«t quarterly exbibitiun of Hawaiian Sunday SchooU was held at Kawaiahao Chorch last Sundav, H. S. Levy drv goods dealer has moved to Robinsou Block, Hotel street neit door to Ordway & Porter’s. A reconoiteriug p«rty of prowiuent P. G’s was discov«red io the grounds adjoining the Queen'a residence at a late hour Snnday evouiag.
Mr. Harry Lnninp desires to acknowledge the kindnessof Mrs. Hobron in supplying his wife with many comforting things during her late severe illness. — The Honoluln Cricket Club, by its secretary. Mr. K. L. Anrback. annonnces the annnal m©eting at the Hawaiian Hotel on the evening of Janoary 10th. The Y. M. C. A. held a reception New Year's afternoon and evening. An excellent luueh was set at noon. Literary and musical events closed the day’s pleasures. The Oahu Eailroad Co. cars were weli patronised New Year's Day undonbted!y resulting from the freeaddgivenby theHoLOXUA. The ball game at Pearl City was won by the Kamebamehas score | 24 to 4. The “Advertiser'’ says that: i Saturday night’s ball was not a success fiuaucially. Only about forty couples were present, and the expenses of the hall, lights and decorations ate up more than the receipts. Another lunatic, as a apeeial polieeman. turns over a new leaf on New Year s Day by getting drunk. Fires off his—or the P. G. —pistol at 4 oeloek this morning then retires to Ihe poliee station to prefer a charge against a brother ofticer, but lands in the cooler himself. — William S. Wond the well and favorably known deputy sberiff of Ewa district has been eompelled to step down and out and j make way for the legislative elown, Kauhi, as his successor. ♦ 1 lt is reported that the “last of the Kamehamehas’’ did not write his communication himself in whieh he is made to pose as one of Hawaii’s greatest but, instead, merely like other great men, affixed his signature.