Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 1, 2 January 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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* eral lidays undersis»ned beg leave t< e attention to a laro e a* of tastefal and elegan suitable f or Chiist m a ; aiian Flag in ditferent sizes. vanan J ewelry a specialty.

bu want to buv an eI• . |tbe same time an ineipen*Dhristmas Present. eall 1 ami inspect my stocb, THOS. HND SAY, Iclnprny llloek, Fort St.Honolula decl tf .ns Sauci □TEL, WAIKIKI, HONOLULU. '-“V (i ; € «i Firi-C!ass Accommoda- « tions for twrists and /s/and Guests. Supeior Bathing Facilities. ., \ivate Coitages for FamilieS. T. A. SIMPSON, oct Manager. H YEN KEE & C0. TinsmLs antl dealei-s in Crgcery WARE, Glass Ware, Etc. W$j[r Pipes, Laid and Rapaired. bing Neatly Eiecuted. 0 :PNuuanu St., between and Hotel Streets, Lseu Building. Cht T. Gulick N(||ary public e Island of Oahu. ee Acknowledgtnents ibor Contracts. __nt Marriage LieenT : »3onolulu, Oahu. he Haw’n Islands of t Scorr’s Freight lkd Parcels Express. ■^S €ll Burlington Koute. 0F **CE: 5ker aiii teral Afeit 348; Mut. Tel. O. Box 415. 38 MERCHANT loaolulu, H. I.