Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 1, 2 January 1894 — Down with the Hawaiians! [ARTICLE]

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Down with the Hawaiians!

• Prior to 1887 it waa part of tbe unwritten code iu tbe social polity of Hawaii-nei, tbat in tbe pn!>lic senice preference should always be given to Hawaiiana, wbetber native, bftlf wbite or of foreign birtb. Tbe propriety uud just;ce of tbis was self evident. Tbis was the only home and country of tbe Hawuiiana, wbo wore iuaiutaining an in dividual nutionality, tbat thougb weak in a martial sense, eommanded the respect and oonsideration of ull tbe great Powers, and wbose rocord of progressive civilizafcion compared favorably witb tbat of any nation. Thanks to tbe teacbings of tbe early missiouary fathers tbe Hawaiiana had made rapid progress and attained a creditable prosperity under self government. Tbough tbe aborigines bad beeome largely deciraated by sad contact witb the epidemic.s and diseases iutroduced by T foroigners tbey aro still sufficient in number to be a peoplo. It is now also au apparent fact tbat tbe large intennarriage of foreigners with Hawaiian women, and tbe prolific progeny that results is rapidly building np a uew, vigorous and handsome race of people, native to tbe soil, as truly Hawaiian as the aborigine, and as strongly imbued witb tbe aloha aina. It is accurately estfmated tbat in tbree or four decades tbis new race will number about 50,(XK), wbo will be the “people" of Hawaii uud give it its natioual cbaracfceristics. To tbese Hawaiians, ambitiou, love of country, tbe home, tbe family and all tbat man bolds dear in life are nurlund bere in Huwaii nei, with origiual cbaructeristics incident to onr isolated positiou and tropical elime. lt was oulv just that tbe Hawaiiaus sbould bave tbe preference iu tbeir own coontiy. Tbe commereial or professional adventurer, tbe fcourist aud tbe stranger, yes even the fugifcive, buvo always beeu made weleome, but they had no right to itfcempfc to dominate here, auy more than tbey would aa aliens iu nny otber oouutry' big or little. For tbe Hawaiiaua, tbanks again to tbe Ameneau missionaries, were uot u beatben or a barbarous people, bul tbe equal in avarage intelligence to any commonity iu Aiuenea, aud are a pe«ceful. dig nified, industrious Christian uation. Witb the revolt of 1387 was first heard tbe war cry “Down witb tbe HawaiiansV’ Tbat afiair opeued up tbe darkest chapfcers of Hawaiian history whieh in tbis A. D. 1894 witb Uie help of Goil and the stern edict of right aud jostice we devoutly believe will bring the d .rk chapters fco a finish aud opeu up a new era of peaee aud happiueea for Hawaii aud thē Hawaiian. Tbe emute of 1887 did not have its orig n in any pairiotic purj*ose. t'upriucip)ed adventnms frora>abraad iuallianee wilh a clique of “Missionary poliiieiau>. who religiously beiieved that their fatbers had beqneathod (heu Ihe right fco roie or niin in

Havaii, lheir oppoHanih* in ] K;il«kaua s «ctious to stir op ihe i &'ui prejudices f, f tbe i foreign elen>eot, and by force of 1 anns seiie the power and spoils i a of gorenunent. They conceireti j ] a new constitotion TĪcioasly j j designed to d is f ra n c hi s e , ( the Hawaiian», and faocying | that they had entrenched them* selves in power forever, tbey nn- j masked their knarish porpose to | down tbe Hawaiians, drive them I ont of the civil service and cmsh | tfaem down if p>ossible. The | eleelion of 1890 proved to be the Nemesis of tbis alleged “refonu' (?) party. The Hawaiians and their foreigu sympathizers went in solid pbalanx to the polla and with their ballots rebuked the party of bsyonets and bolleLs. j The methods of the filibostering foreigner appenml in dH.rk eontn*st to the Huwao in love of law • and order aud constitutional i principies. Passing on to January, 1893, we find this couceited “raissionaiy” minority, ang«red by eon- ' tinued defeat under constitutioual raethods, again plottmg to se;ze power. In J. L. Stevens, L. S. Minisler Resident they foond an unprincipled shyster and a eongenial co-conspirator imbned with a crazy arabition to fiud gloiy by annexing Hawaii to America. The armed invasion by U. S. troops in support of tbe cowardly C3Uspirators. The surrenderof the Queen rather thaufight American sailors, though sbe had force enough to do so, aud the subse quent wretches who have played the devil in Hawaii aro now on record. Agnin does the inspiring genins of alien revolts in Hawaii appe;q: aud preside at the councils of the freebooters. “Down with the Hawaiiana’” “Turn them out of officel” “Give us the spoils!” These are the slogaus and prayer of the alien eanaille whom tho P. G. have organized aud armed under the false pretense of snpporting said governraent. It is the secret main-spring of the whole thing. The leaders knowing tbey are an nnpo{mlar minority, are determined to rule or ruin against the wish of tbe whole nalion; Their followers anel supporters, sorae few of thera old residents, but most fo thera alien adventurers, beachcombers and fugitives from all parts of the world with a springkling of hypocritical parsons and lisping missionary “kids ’ have no exact idea of what they are about ex cept to cry “Down with the Hawaiiaua. aud give us all the government billets.” Their public mouth pieee is tbe “Star” and a more dastard ly, disgraceful and cowardly journal has probably never been , published in auy community. It is a fitting server for tbe turgid thoughts of rascally filibusterers • and the mob of would be murderers, thieves, huugiy plaee ' hunters and s«ch riffraff as forra i the support of that olignrchy i yclept the P. G., and whose war cry is ‘down with the Hawaiians.! ’ The SLar’s campaign has forever alienated the Hawaiiaus from all confidence in or respect for the men who have foolisbly put themselves iu the load of a movement that was a dishonest fake frora its very inception. Neither iu this goueration or 1 tho next will the memory be 1 effaced of the crime committed by the Anaenean Colony of 2.14 per cont. agaiust the Hawaiian people. lVe shall never lose i faith in the honor and jnstice i and glory of the great Amenean i nation, but will always feol that some very poor specimeus of her ; people are located in Honololu. i! Confidenco in them is past ■ * restoration. The ugliness of their i character and hostility against i the Hawaiian is unmasked and f hideous. That such men as Sanford B. ' Dole and Sumnel M. Damon k shoold prove such moral cowards as to snccumb to the clamor of i the hungry horde of P. G. spoilsmen and deliberately dismiss t Hawaāians from office withoot ; cao.se, thereby wrooging worthj . families, is beyond eompnehen- , sion and expl&inable on!y on tha plea o! mental aberration. J Hawaii is the home of tb« l Ha«aiians who will eonUnne to i cxtend|their proverbUJ hospita-

lity to tlie foreigoer. bot keenly resent Uie abuse and inj««4:c€ tb.it has been beaped npon tbem by the disgracefal cliqae of Americans and their malignant Hessians. The rising generation in Hawaii also resent the attempt j fo crnsb oat tbeir nalioual life and their inberent rigbt to inde | pendence and a voice in tbe | atfairs pf the nation. The P. G. batt!e cry of “Down with the Hawaiians ' is per force met only with silent contempt by a people who have a right to consider tbemselves the eqaal of their traducers and wonld be oppressors. Bnt it will never be fojgotien.

We feel sare that the priuciples { of lil«ertv aad eqoalit) r whieh ] characterize the national hfe of j i America, will iufluence their ] i Cougres-. to ac«. wiia jastice aud ( r f»ir play towanls the natural { ! iohabitants of these Islands. and | will lead thera to grant to Hawaii r t’ae trnly American prjvileges of , i government by ci>nseat of a | majority of tlie govevned whieh | thev have hitherto eujoyed, and , will respect the wishes of the * Hawaiian people for an inclepend- , ; ent monarchical government, and j will eompel tbe P. G. to relinqnish its ill-gotten power to the j legitiroate governraent. Let tlie , «ontemptible P. G slogan “down witb the Hawaiians ’ be replaced by the motto Hawaii Holomua. AIl the Hawaiiaaa are made to { realize that as long as the present i Provisional Governmeut lasts or its leaders continue iu po\ver in [ any othcr shape there will be op , pressiou and no hope for prefer- j meut or advaucementof the Hawa iian in hisown country. Therefore P. G. excuse us, but the sooner yon step dowu and out the better we will be pledscd. *