Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 1, 2 Ianuali 1894 — NOTICE. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Mr. J W. Lrsixo is now the Advfcrtising Agent and Solicitor for the Hawaii Holomua. H>s receipt will be henceforwanl aufficicnt for any snms owing to our paper. —m — 1 - ♦

■ . . — - — —■ ♦ ’ It is nn<lerstood that the gov- j ern*jent finaHy has R6cu fit to i di8|x use with a large unuihei of tbe brigad« of spies aud si*ecials only retaining tcn. Does that inean that economy is 1 to be exercised in the fuhire'