Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 1, 2 January 1894 — A NEW YEAR'S CAKE. [ARTICLE]
j The twelTo menr>- Montbs ofice decided to make. For the New Year approacbing, a wonderful oake.— , Contributing froely eaeh one, raore or less. : And sharing the pride of the tmal success. Septeraber, who throngh her aequaintance with schools Was ni) in the latest gramniatical rules, ! Wrote out, in lovelv Si>encerian haud, A recipe auyone might understard. November, —as usual, bnsy and harrietl. And with her Election eake speoialU’ worried, For fear it would born while her mind was so tiarriod, — From what she had Ieft on her geuerous bands When ber Thanksgiviug cooking, with all its demands, Was finished, the milk and the spices supplied; While April the eggs was o'er- » joyed to provide, ■ All colored, o£ course with indelible dyes—j ‘My choicest!” said April, with tears in her eyes. March furnished the sugar, aud though I admit 'T was maple, still that didu't matter a bit. He mixed tho eake, too, being sturdy and stout. And accustomed to stirring things briskly about. The fiour was from Mav, —her particular brand (Tou've heard of the ‘mayflower’) and white as her baud. Dear June sent tho flavoring,— extract of rose, The sweetest and purest, as everyone knows; I And August the butter, in cups of bright gold, | Whieh seemed all tho snnshine of summer to hold. February gave chernes, quite dried up and brown, From the tree that Geoigo Washington said he cnt down; And October declared, witb a laugb and a frown (Understand, this is slang whieh I do not commend!), That to vie with his gift she could nevor pretend, j Thongh sbe, too, had nothiug but Chesnuta to send! 1 Jnly did the baking, and skilfully, too, 'T was done top and bottom, and all the way tbrongh. Her oven was steady and right to a T. Jannary's crisp icing was lovely to see. {December, quite ready to part with her best, Declared, what with stockings and trees and tbe rest, Eveiything that she owned she had given away, Save a bonbon or two and a bright holly spray. , Sothese, for adomment, arranged with mueh taste, IOn the top of tbe beantiful structure were placed. ! ”Feb” dashed otf a rbyme —he was qnick with his pen | From writing of valentines now and again. And boxed up with care, and addressed in red ink. By the Ligbtning £xpress, whieh is quick as a wink ( (Engaged by July), this delectabio eake. Whose equal I defy any baler to bake, ; Waa sent New Year’s morning, in glee and uproar. ! From the twelvo merry Months to their dear Ninetv-four. ‘1
He who woald command among his fellows mast excel thom more in energy o( will thaa iu power of intellect. Men lore natarwlly all tbat comes from the hean, all that b great, all that dazzles and erea all that is strange. A feroic act or a aimple pct of geoeroaity thom inf*!l;bly aud provohes their enthmiaām. Tbey aee these acta; they do not seo justice in the heartao( the jnst