Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 1, 2 January 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
j Axlvertisemeuts JUST ARRIVED, q q q Bahy Caniages 0F AJLL STYl£ā, CAF^pEJS, MM S 1K THE LATEST PATTEKSS, T—HOUSEHOLD" | Se\ving Machines| H.e.T) SeWIN6 Machixes, Wlth Uie Latest j PAKLOK Organs, G-uitars. And Other Mnsical Iastmments. Wines, Liquors, Beer ALWAYS ON HAND, AND FOR SALE BY ED. HOFFSCHUEGER i C0. King St.. oppo. Castle <fc Cooke’g. |laliionaI īron wof^ Queen Stp.eet, Between Alakea «fc Kiehanl Ste. THE UNDERSICTNED «re prepared to make all kindg of Iron Brass, Bronze, Zinc, Tin and Lead Castings. AIso a General Repair Shop for Suam £ngines, Rice Mills. Com Milla, Water Wheela, Wind Mills, etc. Machines for the Cleaning of Coffee, Castor OiIs, Beans, Ramie, Sisal, Pineapple Leavea A other Fibrocs Plant«, Acd Paper Stock Alio Machines for Estracting Starch froaa tbe Manioe, Acrow Root, etc. iir All Ordera promptlj attended tO. WHITE, RITMAN CO. WO GHAN & Co. M!erchant Xailor King street, Tbomns’ 61ock, next door to Holomaa office. Afl Suits Guaranteed to Fi., and IN THE LATEST STYLR Ciothes Cleaned and Bepaired. no27 uSoticeTbe Fisb Pond of Mannalua on th s laiam 1 *s private property. and aay por»m f iucd wilhin the limiia o£ the pond for auy purpose wili be prosecuted. By order TIT LEE. de27 lw