Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 1, 2 January 1894 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]
[We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions or the utterances of our coi.-espondents.] Editor Holomta: Several royalist Lave rocently been given earnest intimation ■ and waruing by frionds who were intimate with the movements of the P. G. organizations, that in cortain contingencies their lives were in danger. The source and manner of these warnings were such as to leave but little doubt, i that some dastardly plot was premeditated by the “murder society” of the Anuexation Club, or by some other of the maligi nant and desperate filibusters of the leagues and reserves that exist with the sanction of the i Provisional Government. The plot as revealed was about f as follows; The royalists are all : and under the contin- , uous watch of ‘‘details” who are 5 trusted to do murder when the crisis oomes. The Provisional Government know very well that i it would be folly for their l scalawag soldiers to resist any 1 foreign forco, so their military leaders planned a revenge that would be discreditable even to the savages of Africa. Upon the l first sign of a landing of a foreign > force for the purpose of restoring ; the Queen, the P. G. details were i to swiftly visit the domici!es of i the royalists and shoot them t down in cold blood. so tbat : restoration wonld be impossible > with the Queen and tho leading i royalists weltering in blood. There is every reason to believe , that the bloody scheme stated l above has been actually eonl templated, unreasonable as it may » seem tbat white men calling i themselves Christians and leaders 1 of our civi!ization and inieliij j gence could plot soch a savage . and viilianious project, and theu j say tbat the Queen and her } uative Hawaiian snbjects are } barbarians. ) Mr. £ditor, I think it a ‘jouru- - aiistic duty for you to eall the attention of ihe foreign diplomats
| and coosnls to the dastardlr character of the character of the P. G. snpporters. that they and I their subjects may be forwarQed, and also as a further evidence ' that the Provisional Government ' is so organized as to render ii I ' highly dangeroos and nndesirable that they eonlinae mueh longer in power. Royaixst. I Editob Holomi a; Mr. J. B. Atherton, while. i abroad. in attempting to excose Miniater Damon for giving snch ’ | damaging evidence to Minister i Blount against ex-Minister Stev- i l ens says: “It is true that Minister Damon gave his signature to a statement inculpating Min- | i ister Stevens. Many things are alwavs said and done in times of * great excitement“ etc. We wiil now ask Mr. Atherton to eiplain to the public what excitement ! Mr. Daraon eoakl have been I under when. seated with Minister ! Blonnt in a private room— calmly giving his eviclence to Ministor | Blount, and answering straightI forward questions in a truthful | ■ and straight forward manner? Knowing fully well that Mr. ; Atherton has not the manhoeni to | speak the plain honest truth of i this matter, we will do it for him. i The fact is, Mr. Atherton—Miu- : i?ter Damon being in the pre- | sence of a gentleman and a man j of honor, told the truth the whole ; truth and nothing but the truth, whieh he could never have done, had he been —some one else/ We are perfectly satisfied that Mr. j Damon has been led into this ; filibustering business thought- j ' lessly, and would now bo on!y j too glad to wipe his hands of| the whole alfair and dissolve partnership with men whose iicts, | ver :city and past record will not | staud close scrutinv at WashingI - . ° i ton. Mr. Atherton bomg a ; Sunday school teacher and a pillar of the church should remember the fate of oki Ananias. The Ninth Commaxdment. I Editor Holomua: In reference to Mr. Thurston’s letter in the Advertiser requesting assistance from the P. G. to further his iuterests in his dime museum—mention is made that he (Mr. Thurston) or at least the company he represents —calls for a shaik to plaee on exhibitiou. If the company would have a regular out, aml out rife up voracious Hawaiiau shark —there is none in these waters, that could fill the bill equal to that man —eatiug shark L. A. Thurston himself. The ohl shark has shown himself up to mueh advantage during the last year, aml undoubtedly be a great curiosity aml draw immeo6ely. If the company hael been a wide awake one—they woukl also have called for the would older shark “Sereno” and a few others—whieh would have drawn the whole j population westof the Rockies. Hawaii Forever. _______________ Editor Holomua. The Advertiser to gain another point says: It appears that the Queen at first refused to graut amnesty to the rebels as asked for by President CIeveland to I Minister Willis, and this at first j should not have been a surprise i to anybody, considering the way , they have attempted to hold her i up to the ecorn of the world, aml have many times threateued her ' life in the event of restoration. 1 Bnt the Queen, guided by the wishes of President CIeveland 1 agreed to abide by his counsel — and ie sending forward beragree- ’ ment, mails at the same time , her reasons for refusing at first ; 1 the amnesty, whieh will then | satisfy Congress and the Amer-1 ! iean naiion, that she was justified : and that no wonder ean be expressed at her having done so. ! Furtheraior8, it will show to the American people, what a paek of cut-throats there are 1 ’ iurking behind tho pioos lambs ; of old Steveos. » Ae 11evoib.