Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 1, 2 Ianuali 1894 — BULL'S EYES. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


: ‘Large Gathering At the Butts. ___________ • The Hawaiiaa Ri£ie Associ«- ! ’ tion had a verv sr*ecessfxil meeting at their range yesterday | afternoon when their srxteenth ! annna! shoot took plaoe. The attendance wos very large and tue weather all that conld be d«ired i for the mafemg of px)d scorea. In the Asaociation malehea the i Brodiecup was won hy W. E. Wall , =core 43: the Directors Prize Rifle | { by the same good shot with a j I total score, from 20 shots at 500 i j*ards, of 94. The other Association prizes coosisted of and were | won as follows: H. R. A. Medal; 200 yards; 10 rounds by J. MeLean, score 44. H. R. A. Trophy, 200 and 500 yards; 10 rounds. Won by C. E. Wall, score 44 at 200 yards, 48 at 500, total 92. Qceen’s Trophy. Highest a ggregate in trials uos. 1, 2 aud 4, won bv Walter E. Wall; score j 228. Fancy Sporting Rifle, 200 and 600 yds: 10 rounds, won by D.W. Corbett score 200 yds, 42; 500 yds 43, total 85. Hawaiian Hardware Co. Trophy, 2 and 500 yards; 10 rounds. Won by J. Kielwell; score 200 yards 24; 500 yards 45; total 89. The first teu winners of prizes in the citizen match are here given makers of less than 17 will not be entitled to a prize. J. L. MeLean 23 O. E. Wall 22 W. A. Wall 22 Jos. Marsden 22 J. B. Castie 22 F. Clifford 22 J. S. Martin 21 Wm. Savi‘dge 21 W. H. MeLean 21 D. W. Corbett 21 850 in Cash | Contributed by 820 in Cash - different firms an'd 810 in Cash ) individuals. H W McChesney & Sons, 100 pounds Soap. Hyman Bros, 100 Cigars H Hackfeld & Co, Student lamp. Hawaiian Hardware Co, Hanging Lamp. H J Nolte 100 Cigars. W G Irwiu Co, Box Sngar. H W Schmidt & Co, Bronze Bust.