Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 1, 2 January 1894 — ATTEMPTED MURDER. [ARTICLE]
A Hard Head Hit Hard. George Wasbington is the strong American name whieh is answered to by one of the stranger police-ofllcers in the employ of the Governmeut, and wh'o is supposed to earn a monthly wago by performing certain naknown services as a night watch, and in looking out for the suppresion of crimo and irnmorality in tho onter districts He has had in the past as a sharer of his joys, and soother of his sorrows the eompaniouship of a woman formerly stewardess on the bark S. N. Castle and who sports the onphoniona name of Mrs. Vina Kiug. Bad blood has existed between the pair for some tirae back, on account of Washington's abuso and drunkenness and the woman's dosire to change partners. The ill-feeling eulminated on the early raorning of New Year’s day when, after neglectiug his post of duty, Washington returned to his room, in a house kepfc by au unknown person on Kukui lane, and thero found his mistress in company with another colore d brother named Powell. Powell “slid” and Washington thrashed his partner, drove her from home and retired. The woman it appoare believed herself illy-treated harbored up revenge for the tbrasbing received nuiil, haviug deoided ou aeiion she obtained a pickxae and entering the room where her George was quietly sleeping she gave him a hard hit on the head just above the left temple snd wiih snch force as to knoek the bardheaded negro senseless, blood spurtiug from tbe wound and covering the blade and handle of the weapon and the dress of tbe woman. A revuIsion of feeling seems to havo set in and she asked for surgical assietance llie telephone soon bringing Dr. Wood and some poliee othcers to the plaee. The woman was arrested aud the injored man was i taken to the Hoapiial where he ■ now lies in a precarious condiiion.