Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 87, 30 December 1893 — That Sportsmans (?) Association. [ARTICLE]
That Sportsmans (?) Association.
ft is crident tbat chiokens are protected and tame tnrkeys bave gone into season. Mr. Galbraith now deplores the loss of a favorite turkev and desires tbe valiant member of tbe “Associatiou” to eall aronud and settle for the “game” be brought down a few days ago. By the way it is amusiug to notice some of tbe very strict and veiy correct “sportsmen’ of Association fameshootiugsboaldertoshoalder with px*ople who have no license to cany a gan. It was understood that tbe main object of the Association of allege«l sportsmen was to regulate hanting and preveut uniicensed shooting, but the officers are evident!y above the nlea. It is reported from the Coast, that a large amount of oounterfiet money is in circnlation in San Franeis«o f-roaght thither by £astorn c;imina!s. Sweated and plagge*l ?20 pieces. eoanterfeit $10—and $5 bills and coanterfeit silver of all denominations are in ciruaiat:on. As many of that class of “queer people’’ are apt to arrive here it is adrisable for loeai dealers to keep au eye on the qnaiity ol eoin receired. * V