Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 87, 30 December 1893 — TOPICS OF THE DAY. [ARTICLE]

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Wo wi*h »11 of our re»ders a Happy New Yetir. We trust that it will be —even for Councillor EmmeluUi —» iiappier one tban the last. We shall make our appeuranoe on Tuesday in eularged fonn—like onr contemporar\' the Advertiser—but with more reason, for onr circul»tion is growiug aud our putronage increasing. ln the future Mr. J. W. Luning will act as eolleetcr and solicitor of advertisements and in making this announeenienl, wo are aware that that department of the business wiil be aitended to with promptitude and despatch. The latest news from Wailnku that the annexationists are very nmeh exhausted and that they at Cbristmas concentrated all their <‘spirits” and eshilaration into the small l»ody of the Provisional Goverumout’s pet, Sheritl Chillingworth. The spirits aud exhilaration blended beautifnlly and the eannine color oftbesmall village competed favorably with the glow whieh is always before the eyes of the stockholdors in the cycloraraa eompan}'.