Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 87, 30 December 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
jfn$urancr $stur$. FIRE & MARINE The Vxi.ek8I0»id U authon2ed to take Fire and Mariiie Kisks on 33uildings, Merchandise. 3dulls, Carfiroes, Frei£rhts and Commissions, Current Kates iu the following Compames, viz: Royal Insurance Co • - - Lnerpool AUmnee .issurame Fire # MaHne. - Lonāon n'ilhelnui uf MadgebufgGen’i Ins. Co. _ rn . - San Francisoo Su n Insurance Co., j. S. \VALKEBj Agent tor Hawaiian Islan4s Telephones; Bell 351 _ Mulnal 41”ResIDENCE : Mutual 410. P.O. Box H 7 E. B. THOMAS, Contractor & Builder
Estimates Oiven on All Kinds 0F il, w, s n All Kinds of Jobbing in the Buildmg Trade Attended to. KEEP8 EOH SALE: Brick Lime. Cement, Iron Stone Pipe *nd Fittmgs, Old & New ComigHted Iron, Minton Tileb. Onarrv Tiles, assorted sizes and colors: , Calif°iu ia aod Monterej Sand, Granite Curbing and Blocks, etc., etc. f Corner King dt Smith Sts. OFFICE «5t YARD: \ Office Hours. 8 to 12 M., ( 1 to 4 P. M. zmmt LIKEKIP SCH00HERē —Optortmity t(ir ALL! ' Owine fco onr constantlv increasing basiness nnd the pre*t demand of au ap P reciating we olnded lo otkr an opportnnit>- to «U p«rties having eap 1^ 1 Our UNE of SCHOONERS ni«v be seen gl.dmg cryer the BAR filled to their utmost cnrn.-ing capacitj wiui clear, eool and invigorating frol g** b '" s jLAl}ERBEER At the “Ancbor Saloon.” To .eeommel.le oer V«l Fl.et of Kehoooem. « h.ve ■,uilt • fi»e larpe Refriger.toi regmtlless oi cost. NOW S the Iime 0014 ■* .. w.