Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 87, 30 December 1893 — Tossing the Sphere. [ARTICLE]
Tossing the Sphere.
Tbe Unknowns antl the Planets will play the last game of the Amateur League on Montlay. New Year's day, at 10 a. m. As there are no other sports that da3 r , the boya oogbt to be patronized by those who are interested in base ball. The bo3’S will pla>' a lively game, no doubt. Tbe following are the names of the players with their respective positions: tn>Kxowxs. posmoxs. plasits. QG. Aiwohi c M. Gomes G. Wood p W. Bike H. Harris lst b .•. .Sam Kn H. Miranda 2nd b J. Fosi*h G. Glark 3rd b G. KarraUi L. Miranda ss M. Kiwa M . Hopkina r f J. Carter C. Hopkins I i. J. Sonza J. Hassinger c l. D. Dancer The ehampion o£ this season is the Unknown.