Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 86, 29 December 1893 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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TLe steamer Oeeanie is telej phoued ot! Waimanalo we go , lo press. | Busmess is very dull in all | I lines of trade. except politics. ! | Oahu Lodge No 1. £. of P. j i meets to-uigbt at its Castle Hall I for election of ofticers. It is reported thata "būsiness" j meeting vras held at the honse of the Attomey General last evening. George Manson succeeds Mr. Day as business manager on the “-Star” and Edward Towse takes Mr. Manson s reportorial position. Advertise in tbe Holomua if you wish to make times better than thev are and desire to receive the patronage of those who pay cash for their goods. A loeal photographer has offered to furnish the Government with pictures of progessive Hawaii and also to duplicate the views for distribntion amongst tiie correspondents of the principal newspapers of the wor!d, who may be present at the comig Midwinter Fair. The Holomua reaches all sorts aud conditious of people. It is the paper of the musses, of the boue and sinew of the eommunity, A paper whieh tbe bouest workingman ean read and readily understand, and whieh the unscrupulous seekers after power and profit will read and damn, Every readers of Holomua who is engaged in a busiuess tbat ean be advertised. should app'reciate the widespread distribution aud inAuenee of tbe paper as, unwittingly but necessajilv, { admitted by the Advisory CoanciI. Eaeli speaker kuew the paper and had read it and “you bet,” they will cbutinue*to read it. The Holomua is to-day the only fearless esponent of the views of the iuiddlēclass aud of thosewhoso iaborriithorthautheir tougues, build up cities and push them forwartl to planes of bonor amongst iudustrial aml commereial nations. Tho Holomua expects the aid of the tradesmau, the storekeeper aml the workiugman. The foliowing list comprises the lately iustalled ofiicers of Hawaiiau Lxlge No. 21, F. A. M.; H. E. Cooper. W. M.: J H. Soper, S. W.; re-elected. C. L. Crabbe. J. W.; Thos. E. Wall. seeretarv. re-elected. W. M. Giffard, treasurer, re-elected. A. B. Scrimgeoar, senior deacon. H. H. Williams, junior deacon. J. A. Kiug, marsbal, re-elected. A. Mackintosh, ehaplain, roelectmi; C. M'illiams ami Jas. Gregor\*. stewards; J. M. Angns, tyler, re-electod.