Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 86, 29 December 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
Mystic Lodge No. '2 K. of P., has electe(! membors to offi<?e for the enstting tenn. as fniiows: P. C.,W. C. Wilder, Jr.;C. C. f A. E. Marphy; V. C., A. W. Keeeh ; Prel. , (reo. Brnns: M. of W., C. A. Peterson; K. of R. aml S., A. V. Gear; M. of F.. J. H. Sohuack; M. of E.. M. A. Gous:iivos; M. at A.. A. W. CIark; Trustee, F. W. McChesney. Iustaliatiou will take plaee in the Castlo Hall on the uext regular conveutiou. Wednesday, June 3rd. Deputy Supreuie ChauceIlor Chas. J. McCarthy being the installing officer. A tale is told, whieh couies from the wilds of Waialna, aud whieh does not rellect creditably upon tbe material that is eontained withiu the odu*iai Iines of the lately organized SpOrisman's Ciub. This club is su|tpoeed to Lave for one of its main objects, a strong desire and intent to prevent |K>aching, but, t-he tale goes that: on « !ate occasion, and *‘jost before'* Christmas, an officer of tfce society iu company witb one ol the directors was caught. i» fiaffratUe driielu. with guns iu their bands upon grounds upon whieh they had no righi Foaching is akin to midnigfat robbezy and ihe Olok shoald look to its laureis.