Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 86, 29 December 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
£nsuranrf Haticrs. FIRE & MAKINE Thl Um>kk-siunkd is authori*ed to take Fire and Marine Risks on I3uil<liugs. Mei'chaJi<Use. Hull*. Cai'aroes. Freisrhts and Cornmissions, at Current Kates in the following’Companies, viz: Royal lnsurance Co - - Liverpool AlManee Assuramce Fire $ Marine, - Lonāon Wilhehna of Madgehurg Gen’l. Ins. Co. Sun Insurance Co.. - - San Francisco .1. "W ALIvt»R» Acrcnt for Hawaiian IslaDd3 Telephonks: Bell 351 _ Mutnal 417. Residexce : Mutual 410. P.O. Box ll 7 E. B. THOMAS, ; h Contractor Builder F]stimates Ciiven on A-11 lviuds OF BH. m«N, 510® * WOEH BIMNCS All Kinds of Jobbing in the Building Trade Attended to. KEEP8 FOR SALE: Brick, Lime, Cement, Iron Stone Pipe and Fittings, 01d * New Corrugated Iron, Minton Tiles, Quarrv Tiles, assorted sizes and colors; California and Monterey Sand, Grauite Curbing and Blocks. eto., etc. ( Corner King <51 Smith Sts. OFFICE <51 YARD; Office Hours. 8 to 12 M., ( 1 to 4 P. M. . A TASf PROJECT C0HSTANT LINEIOP SCH00NERS ■—Ample OpprtMity for ALL! Owiug to onr constantly increasing bosiness and the great demand of an ’ »ppreoiating community, we have eonc!uded to otfer an opportunity to all parties having eapiial. Ow LINE of SCHO()NERS may l>e seen gliding over the BAR filled to their utmost caming capacity witli clear, eool and invigorating Fr " d E«p«fl bl,r9 i LAQER EEEE Atthe “Ancl\pr’Saloon.” To aecommodate oor Vast Fleet of Schooners. we have *»uilt a fine large Re!rigerator regardless of cost. is the only plaee where a Cool Glass of Fredericksburg Beer on drmught ean be had in Hoooluiu. Step forward geotleneo. NOW 8 U»e Time. ocl4 3m . v. :> :