Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 85, 28 December 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
JUST ARRIVED, Baby Carriages 0F ALL 8TYLES, darpet$, iju$, l^at$, IX THE LATEST PATTERN3. “HOUSEHOLD” Sevvinor Machines o Ha.vd Sewixg Maohinek, VtT' AU With tb« L«i-*it ImproTemenU'^J PABLOR Organs, G-uitars, And OtberMnsitaU lnstrQments, \Vines, Liquors, Beer ALWAY8 ON HAKD, AXD FOB SALE BY ED. HOFFSCHLi EGER 4 00. King St.. oppo. Oaalle i Cooke’s. T-^ plaiional Iron Wonh Qceex aStkeet. Between Alakea A Kiehanl Sts. THE UNī)£RSIQNED are prep*red to make nU kind» oi Iron Brass. Bronze, Zinc, Tin aud Lead Castings. AIso a • Oeneml Bepnir 8hop for Kieani Engines, Bice MiUs, Corn Mill», Water Wheel«, Wind MiUs, ete. Maehine» for the Cleaniog of Coffee, Castor Oils. # Beans, Bamie, Siaal, Pineapple Leaves le other Fibims Planla, And Paper 8tock, Also Maehinea for Extracting Starch froaa the Manioe, Anow Bout, etc. AU Orders promptlj attended to. WHITE, RITMAN «5t CO. H0 YEN KEE & C0. Tinsmitbs and dea1ers in Croekery ware, Glassware, etc. Watcr Pipes Laid andRepaired, Plombicg Neatly Execnted. Xo. 41 Nnuana St, between King and Hotel Slreets, Asen Bnilding. KW0N6 8UG 0H0H6 & 69. C orxtxarCtox &c. We alao keep on band Bēdsteads, Mattrasses, Tables. Bookqases, Mirrors, Etc.. AT THE L0WEST UARKET PRICES No. 216 Kiog st., Honolnlu de4 3m