Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 84, 27 December 1893 — The Kind Hankered After. [ARTICLE]
The Kind Hankered After.
The ciying neetl of the age is a «lollar easy to get anil hanl to let go; a doliur that will pay fo»r dollar> worth of debts aiul then eoiue back bv meaus of u string attachmeut; a dollar that snuggles easily in the sock of Johu !Siuith, but withers hke the inanua of ohl in the safe of a railroad president; a dollar that will buy some tlour aud uieat ; while it buys mueh whisky aud tobaoco; u doilar above drawing j interest aud yet will doubte it ; self whiie the owner sits iu tbe ! shade and spits at a craek iu the ! pavement; a dollar that will cir- j culate without depreciation wheu uobody w.mts it; a dol!ar that will buy shoes for babv while it buys fuu for a man in places where he cau’t tuke his wife; a dollur whieh will surely repair j the wusto of sloth. appetite and bad judgement; a doliar that eomea to the lap of indolence like worms to the craw of a feutherless robin: a dullar able to remove the sentence prouounced npou Adam, reverse the order of | natare aad lransfom» the natures of meu. This, little cbildren, is about the sort of a dol!ar wantod. as we glean froin persaing our able aud esteemed contemporsries and to provide such s dollar is ihe job before Congress.— : * Tulare Regisirr. ; (