Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 84, 27 December 1893 — The Second Message. [ARTICLE]

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The Second Message.

PEESIDENT CLEVELiSB SENDS BIS SECOND MESSAGE. The Policy of the President Explained. Stevens’ Strongly Scored.— Queen Liliuoolani to be Restored. Tbe R. M. S. S. Arnwa arrived Lere at noon from Victoria. B. C. Bv ber vre ieceive tbe news tbat the Presi«lent has sent hissecond message to Conpress as promised, au«I that the Jocuraent is verv completo, aml fully kIiow> the reasous whieli havo deternaiued the poliov of the Adrainistration. So maeh of the messoge as has been received will appear iu onr esteemed contemporarv the Daily BnUetin this afkernoon. and will ease the uiinds of all Ioynl citizens if there should be auy who ever doubted tlie honor and justico of President Cleveland. The report stated aftor tbe arrival of tho Arawu that President Clevelaud was very ill is groandless. Also the stateraent that the Queen objected to amnesty. Both reports are fa!se.