Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 84, 27 December 1893 — Those Rumors. [ARTICLE]

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Those Rumors.

The Aclvertiser when uot busy quoting poor doggerel from the N. Y. Sim clevotts its space to enuiueratiug hoine-made rumors. One of the most absunl is the 0 latest one asserting that the Rovalists intend to establish the monarchy at Hiio Hawaii. e presume that the rumor will be believecj, because that notorious royalist Mr. Chas. CTeighton departed for Hilo yesterday ou the Kiuau. Deputy Attorney Geueral ilder was dispatchecl by the goverument to the same town presumably to watch Charlie’s moveraents—and a sweet time he will have of it. £oth gentlemen took several cases of ammunition with tbem, O. P. S. guns being their favorito weapons. For the convenience of Mr. Creighton, Mr. Doyle the Japanese interpreter joined the party. We nnderstand that the Volcano House has been selected asthestrategetic poini from where actions will begin on New Years eve anel conclnde —well, when the ammunition gives oot?

The Kalakaua ComoaiUee a&di the subscribers of the fund tberet» should feel that there is yet opportonity for lbeir object b?ing ?.tUiuol hu«n lhsy learu ‘h-t, last May, the peopie of Maine resolved to erect a statue to Jaraea Ei&ine of Maine, Thus far, although the Maine committee haa worked hard only lllo has b?en collected, aud there does not seem to be any more in sight, either.